Up and Down the Hill with Twill
Instructor: Eileen MacNeil
Cost: 150 (plus materials)Instructor: Melinda Shebell, Jardin Puzzles
Donations accepted
Do you like jigsaw puzzles? Did you know the first jigsaw puzzle was a dissected map of the counties of England that was used as a teaching aid in the early 1700’s?
The first puzzles were cut using a coping saw. Today these high-end heirloom puzzles are cut on a scroll saw with a blade no thicker than a horse’s hair.
Come see a demonstration on how it is done, see examples of old and new puzzles, and learn a little history of the art. There will be time set aside to try your hand at cutting, no experience needed. If you know how to use a scroll saw, there are limited slots available for advanced instruction including your own puzzle to cut.